Note: Many descriptors here are geared towards teachers and teacher support staff. Content can be adapted to suit virtually any group.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, contact Tina directly to discuss creating custom programs to meet your needs.
Discover Mindfulness
An empowering, Interactive session to make life easier! Discover the simple science behind Mindfulness to learn how mindfulness works to reduce stress and improve health (physical, emotional mental), as well as facilitate learning.
Learn simple, effective mindfulness tools – such as meditative and breathing techniques – for you & your students to improve sleep, increase Calm, Focus, Performance and Co-operation. Mindfulness benefits also include Stress Reduction, Reduced Depression, Improved Attitudes & Behaviours, Strengthened Relationships.
Create Calm in your Classroom with Sound
We live in a noisy, stressful world. Science proves that sound affects mind and body, whether we realize it or not.
In this session, learn how sound impacts the body and mind.
Discover what sounds you can use to bring peace and calm into the classroom to make you and your students more comfortable… and improve learning.
The Joy of Movement
Moving the body is important for health, (physical, mental, and emotional) and also enhances learning.
This interactive session offers great tools for your personal well-being, as well as for improving student performance and attitudes.
Experience creative, expressive movement that’s safe, easy to do, and simple to incorporate into the classroom. Learn The BrainDance (a technique to help students improve performance, focus and co-ordination), the principles of Nia, and more in this fun session, which includes dance-based movement. Dress comfortably and bring a water bottle.
Self-Care for Sanity
Avoid burn-out! Ths session provides interactive experiences that illuminate the principles of self-compassion and mindfulness, to help teachers truly embrace self-care so they are at their best for their students and families.
Discover practical, effective ideas and activities to ensure your self-care.
Learn how to create windows of peace and calm in your day, to be a peaceful influence in your classroom, and keep yourself healthy – mentally, physically and emotionally.
The Passion Test ™
Experience the Passion Test, as created by Janet Bray-Attwood, to reveal the three most important areas of focus for your life at this time.
Gain clarity about what you want in life.
Learn the #1 secret for living a passionate life.
Take The Passion Test™ and begin living a more fulfilling life!
Building Resilience with Self-Compassion
Based on Dr Kristen Neff’s ten-year of study of the empowering shift from self-esteem to self-compassion, this session provides a clear understanding of the differences between the two.
Clarity is provided about how focusing on self-esteem can actually be damaging, while self-compassion bolsters confidence and can prevent ‘bad’ behaviour.
Five powerful steps to developing self-compassion are presented to help everyone – you and your students – feel good about themselves; bounce back from difficult situations easily and quickly; value themselves. Be happier. Build resilience & increase success.
Forest Bathing and Earthing – Natural Ways to Heal
Forest Bathing and Earthing may be the latest health trend, but they certainly are not new practices! In this session you’ll gain a clear understanding of what these practices are, what the benefits are, and how You can do them.
Learn how the ancient wisdom of spending time in the forest and with your feet on the earth is not only good for your health, but good for your soul! (A great add-on for outdoor education classes and arts-related programs.)
Develop and Trust Your Intuition
Have you ever ignored that little voice, or gut feeling, that tells you to grab an item on your way out the door, but you ignored it, then later wished you’d listened, because, “Darn! That would’ve been handy to have right now!” That inner guidance was your intuition.
Intuition is like a muscle – exercising it makes it stronger. The practical exercises presented in this session build the ability to trust your intuition to assess children’s situations or your best course of action, and bring greater ease into life and the classroom.
Intuitive Painting for Non-Artists
A no-pressure way to paint for those with or without any artistic talent or experience!
Your facilitator, Tina, begins this session with a guided meditation to get your creative juices flowing, then you get to play with expressing yourself on paper with paint while instrumental music plays to inspire you.
We complete the session with a uniquely insightful sharing experience. This session can be a lot of fun, with often delightfully surprising results!
Believe in Yourself – You’re Awesome!
An empowering session for students and/or new teachers with a focus on attitude, gratitude, and positive self-talk.
A high level of fun interaction provides accelerated learning, ensuring everyone learns more, learns it faster, and retains the learning longer.